Histórico no servidor
Bom dia pessoal!Gostaria de saber se existe uma maneira de salvar o histórico das conversas do openfire direto no servidor.Desde já obrigado. Good morning folks! I wonder if there is a way to save the...
View Articleissue closing and restarting Spark
Any time I or any of our users close out of Spark we are not able to reopen it. The program appears to close out as normal but the spark.exe process continues to run in the background. If I try to...
View ArticleCannot connect to my admin page- HELP
Hi, The links that I have that our computer guy gave me to log in to the admin page (to make changes/add users etc) does not work anymore. It could be because there was a change in the server? I have...
View ArticleOnline contact missing from list
Spark 2.6.3, Openfire 3.9.3Some of my online contact suddently went missing after I came back from my locked PC.I've try to install Spark in other workstation, the missing contact did appear as normal,...
View ArticleContact List will not display
Hi, I'm hoping someone can help out with this issue. Several of my users including myself recently have cannot see out contact list when spark is running, I've tried rebooting the server, making sure...
View ArticleHow to load contactlist code in spark? could you please tell me through...
How to load contactlist code in spark could you please tell me step by step......
View ArticleSingle group keeps disappearing from client
Our users are experiancing an issue with AD integrated groups disappearing from the Spark client. It shows up again once they relogin so they're sedated but we're unable to figure out the root cause...
View ArticleSpark returns strange disco info result
Hi, if I send a disco info to the latest Spark 2.6.3 client, it returns only this: <iq id="123" to="..." type="result" from=".../Spark 2.6.3"><query...
View ArticleSpark for Mac OS problem
Hello All,I am having an issue with Spark Client for Mac. Up until recently it had been working fine, but as of about 3 weeks ago it started having issues when recieving new messages. When a new...
View ArticlePath settings of spark
HelloWe used thePSIin theclientcompanyfor some time now. We tested thesparkand foundmuch better than thePSI. One of the difficultiesthat I realizedthespark, is thatall the settings(propertiesand...
View ArticleSpark 2.6.3 user shows offline
I have a user who shows up as being offline when he is online.I have had him log out and log back in, reboot his computer, and I have reinstalled Spark.I have compared his settings to mine and they are...
View ArticleAdded incorrect/wrong word to Spell Check
I accidently added a word to the dictionary instead of clicking to use the suggested word. How do I remove the incorrectly word so it will show as wrong?
View ArticleAuto re-login (for multiple locations)
I have users who roam a lot. Sometimes on their PC, sometimes on their notebook. Unfortuantely Spark does a poor job at handling this scenario. Once I login on my notebook, it will kick me off of my...
View ArticleSpark 2.6.3 transcript (chat) history bug
Hello all, i have problem with Spark chat history and couldn't find solution anywhere. In location %APPDATA% navigate to folder: Spark -> user -> user_name -> transcripts indise this folder...
View ArticleLoad Presence Status of a user in Spark without adding in Roster
Hello Guyz I am new to Openfire and Spark. Hope i ll get help .I installed both server and client successfully and connected to Active Directory. I also installed Presence Service plugin in Openfire...
View ArticleSpark 2.6.3 Emiti Som?
Boa noite pessoal existe uma maneira de emitir som quando o usuário do SPARK receber uma mensagem? Sistema O.P windows.
View Articleproblemas al iniciar sesión
Buen dia , al iniciar el spark me dice que no puedo iniciarlo ya que esa sesion ya esta iniciada en otra maquina,pero, si desactivo el openfire y vuelvo a activarlo ya deja que se conecte mi sesion,...
View ArticleTranferência de Arquivos na Rede Local
Pessoal, estou com um problema com o Spark 2.6.3. Utilizo aqui na empresa, e tudo funciona blz, é rede local mesmo, não tem extranet nem nada, todos os clientes na mesma faixa de IP, no entanto, a...
View ArticleModifiying source code to include password (special client)
I am building our own version of Spark to use internally as a notification system in our mills.The PCs are not on the domain, and the accounts used to run them have no password set (vendor requirement,...
View ArticleSpark for Mac OS problem
Hello All,I am having an issue with Spark Client for Mac. Up until recently it had been working fine, but as of about 3 weeks ago it started having issues when recieving new messages. When a new...
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