how to hide spark preferences option?
i was trying to find in the spark default properties but it seems there is no commands that can hide the spark preferences option. Any details on how to solve my concern is highly acknowledge. Thanks
View & host_name/server ?
Hi all, I have created a msi package and changed some settings in the file.Because of having 2 offices (and openfire servers), I would like to create 2 packages with the server...
View ArticlePossible to add extra items in before creating msi?
Hi all, I'm finishing a minor redesign of our systems and need to reinstall spark (new OS, no previous settings of spark) To be able to install with the least possible interaction, I will create a msi...
View ArticleHow can i save my chats
Hey Community,how can I save my chatsrooms so they will reconnect automatically after restart of sparkgreetings Epytir
View ArticleInvalid Username and Password
Before you ask,yes i spent the last 3 days down her trying to find a solution to no avail Some users get the problem "Invalid username or password", others don't. The password are proven to be correct,...
View ArticleHow to send Automatic Messages in Spark
Hi ,In my company i have been given a task to send a message in spark conference room every 15mins. I would like to know if there is way to do this automatically by setting the message which needs to...
View ArticleContatos já incluidos ao instalar em nova máquina.
Estou começando a inserir o Open fire + Spark na minha empresa, porém como usamos somente para comunicação interna, e usuários são criados pelos admins, se não existe alguma ferramenta, em que ao criar...
View ArticleImport contacts for every new accounts
I've just implanted the Open Fire + Spark here on my enterprise, and I want to know if there is a method to auto Import contacts for every new account created. For example: - I've just installed Spark...
View Articlehow to change spark client's font color when joining a group chat?
I want to change a particular user's font color or each one of the users have a specific font color, or they can select the font color that they want. Any details of my concern is a big help.. Thanks
View ArticleSpark hangs while log off from Terminal-Server 2012R2
Hi! We are using Spark (2.6.3) and Openfire (3.8.2) as IM. Now we are switching from normal PCs to a Terminal-Server 2012R2 and Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop environment. The problem is now, that when Spark...
View ArticleNetwork Profile
Hello, Is there a way to configure/install Spark so that the users profile configuration is saved to a network drive? I see that it is currently being saved to their local user profile on the c drive,...
View ArticleConfigurable Timestamp Formatting
Further to which would be very useful I can’t find a way to change the timestamp of messages in the chat room? Ideally the administrator would define...
View ArticleI try to send a file to gloox client with spark,but don't receive the...
c++ gloox code #include "../client.h"#include "../connectionlistener.h"#include "../stanza.h"#include "../gloox.h"#include "../disco.h"#include "../loghandler.h"#include "../logsink.h"#include...
View ArticleSpark Disconnects from Network
Hi, I have 2 users that are experiencing disconnetions from the network while in Spark. They're both using version 2.7.0. Below are the logs. I've reinstalled for user 1, but haven't done the same for...
View Articleconfigure spark interface to add shortcut messages
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction with my problem. I've inherited an openfire/Spark installation that I need to edit. The Spark IM client has been modified so that instaed of the...
View ArticleSpark not Launching
I am rolling out openfire 3.9.1 in a small private school. I have openfire integrated with AD. In the process of rolling out Spark 2.6.3 on all the workstations. All workstations are Win 7 with a mix...
View ArticleUnable to install Spark on Ubuntu 13.10 64-Bit OS
When i run this script to install Spark on my Ubuntu 13.10 64 bit it Give me this Error: ls: cannot access /home/ubbvand2/Downloads/Spark/lib/window: No such file or directory Below are more log +...
View ArticleGSSAPI-SSO not working
Hey guys, after following step by step this document made by Jonathan Murch, i managed to get SSO working for just one time. Since then i´ve changed nothing. I get this error in the Spark-Logs:...
View ArticleSe bloquea spark al abrir el chat de un contacto
Tengo spark instalado normal corre bien, el problema que solo me pasa con un contacto, con los demas no pasa y el problema es que cuando voy abrir el chat con el contacto para inciar una conversacion...
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