c++ gloox code
#include "../client.h"
#include "../connectionlistener.h"
#include "../stanza.h"
#include "../gloox.h"
#include "../disco.h"
#include "../loghandler.h"
#include "../logsink.h"
#include "../siprofileft.h"
#include "../siprofilefthandler.h"
#include "../socks5bytestreamdatahandler.h"
using namespace gloox;
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN32 )
# include <windows.h>
* Receives one file and displayes it. Does not save anything.
class FTTest : public LogHandler, ConnectionListener, SIProfileFTHandler, SOCKS5BytestreamDataHandler
FTTest() : m_quit( false ) {}
virtual ~FTTest() {}
void start()
JID jid( "a13466800671@wuqizhao-PC/Smack" );
j = new Client( jid, "123456" );
j->registerConnectionListener( this );
j->disco()->setVersion( "ftTest", GLOOX_VERSION, "Linux" );
j->disco()->setIdentity( "client", "bot" );
StringList ca;
ca.push_back( "/path/to/cacert.crt" );
j->setCACerts( ca );
j->logInstance().registerLogHandler( LogLevelDebug, LogAreaAll, this );
f = new SIProfileFT( j, this );
// you should obtain this using disco, really
//f->addStreamHost( /*j->jid()*/JID( "proxy."+j->server()), "wuqizhao-PC", 7777 );
f->addStreamHost( /*j->jid()*/JID( "proxy."+j->server()), j->server(), 7777 );
if( j->connect( false ) )
ConnectionError ce = ConnNoError;
while( ce == ConnNoError )
if( m_quit )
ce = j->recv( 100 );
std::list<SOCKS5Bytestream*>::iterator it = m_s5bs.begin();
for( ; it != m_s5bs.end(); ++it )
(*it)->recv( 100 );
printf( "ce: %d\n", ce );
f->dispose( m_s5bs.front() );
delete f;
delete j;
virtual void onConnect()
{f->addStreamHost( JID("proxy."+j->server()), j->server(), 7777 );
printf( "connected!!!\n" );
virtual void onDisconnect( ConnectionError e )
printf( "message_test: disconnected: %d\n", e );
if( e == ConnAuthenticationFailed )
printf( "auth failed. reason: %d\n", j->authError() );
virtual bool onTLSConnect( const CertInfo& info )
printf( "status: %d\nissuer: %s\npeer: %s\nprotocol: %s\nmac: %s\ncipher: %s\ncompression: %s\n"
"from: %s\nto: %s\n",
info.status, info.issuer.c_str(), info.server.c_str(),
info.protocol.c_str(), info.mac.c_str(), info.cipher.c_str(),
info.compression.c_str(), ctime( (const time_t*)&info.date_from ),
ctime( (const time_t*)&info.date_to ) );
return true;
virtual void handleLog( LogLevel level, LogArea area, const std::string& message )
// printf("log: level: %d, area: %d, %s\n", level, area, message.c_str() );
virtual void handleFTRequest( const JID& from, const std::string& id, const std::string& sid,
const std::string& name, long size, const std::string& hash,
const std::string& date, const std::string& mimetype,
const std::string& desc, int /*stypes*/, long /*offset*/, long /*length*/ )
printf( "received ft request from %s: %s (%ld bytes, sid: %s). hash: %s, date: %s, mime-type: %s\n"
"desc: %s\n",
from.full().c_str(), name.c_str(), size, sid.c_str(), hash.c_str(), date.c_str(),
mimetype.c_str(), desc.c_str() );
f->acceptFT( from, sid, SIProfileFT::FTTypeS5B );
// virtual void handleFTRequestResult( const JID& /*from*/, const std::string& /*sid*/ )
// {
// }
virtual void handleFTRequestError( Stanza* /*stanza*/, const std::string& /*sid*/ )
printf( "ft request error\n" );
virtual void handleFTSOCKS5Bytestream( SOCKS5Bytestream* s5b )
printf( "received socks5 bytestream\n" );
m_s5bs.push_back( s5b );
s5b->registerSOCKS5BytestreamDataHandler( this );
if( s5b->connect() )
printf( "ok! s5b connected to streamhost\n" );
virtual void handleSOCKS5Data( SOCKS5Bytestream* /*s5b*/, const std::string& data )
printf( "received %d bytes of data:\n%s\n", data.length(), data.c_str() );
virtual void handleSOCKS5Error( SOCKS5Bytestream* /*s5b*/, Stanza* /*stanza*/ )
printf( "socks5 stream error\n" );
virtual void handleSOCKS5Open( SOCKS5Bytestream* /*s5b*/ )
printf( "stream opened\n" );
virtual void handleSOCKS5Close( SOCKS5Bytestream* /*s5b*/ )
printf( "stream closed\n" );
m_quit = true;
Client *j;
SIProfileFT* f;
SOCKS5BytestreamManager* s5b;
std::list<SOCKS5Bytestream*> m_s5bs;
bool m_quit;
int main( int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/ )
FTTest *r = new FTTest();
delete( r );
return 0;
smack partial code
StreamHost streamhost = new StreamHost("a13466800671@wuqizhao-PC/Smack","");
new Bytestream().addStreamHost(streamhost);
FileTransferManager manager = new FileTransferManager(xmppconnection);
OutgoingFileTransfer transfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer("a13466800671@wuqizhao-PC/Smack");
File out = new File("./bin/test/gui/demo/test1.jpg");
try {
//transfer.sendFile(out, out.getName());
transfer.sendFile(out, "test1.jpg");
} catch (XMPPException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block