could you please help me to solve this problem?
I use OpenFire on Windows 2008 R2 Eng x64. When the Spark client (Windows 7 CZ x86) logs on to OpenFire, is very often not are
visible online users and on Spark is does not apply "Client Features" from OpenFire "Client Management". After closure and reopening, the
issue is usually not resolved.
I found
that when the "spark.properties" file, in the user profile, has these parameters:
CcAnonymousLogin = true
CcAccountsReg = true
CcInvisibleLogin = true
The error
always occurs. But if I set these parameters to:
CcAnonymousLogin = false
CcAccountsReg = false
CcInvisibleLogin = false
so everything works fine. The problem is that these parameters automaticaly return from false to true, and the error is constantly returning.
Do not you know how this problem can be solved? I have not found a functional solution on the Internet.
I'm using versions of OpenFire 4.1.5 and Spark 2.8.3. This problem have I since version OpenFire 4.1.2, Spark 2.7.3
Thank you very much for help
Best Regards
Martin Vondracek