Fields displayed when hover over contact
Is there a way to make a users business phone field appear when you hover over their entry in your contacts list? Right now if I hover over a contact it shows their name, idle status, and...
View ArticleBroadcast Bug
Whenever you send out a broadcast to a specific group, it will send the broadcast to the group PLUS whoever you last sent an instant message too. With our work environment this is causing some...
View ArticleSpark and Multiple Connections to a Single Wildfire Server
First off, great products. Working wonderfully here. I ran into a problem with using a Wildfire server behind two internet connections. I have my DNS setup correctly (2 ips behind 1 DNS name) but the...
View ArticleSubscription Bug on Server to Server setup?
Hello, I have been playing and troubleshooting with our Openfire server to server environment all day and i've now reached a point where everything works except the adding of users from the other...
View ArticleWhen we close chat window
When we close chat window in Spark other people who was talking with us receve a notification. Can I block that information? I dont want other people know when I close the chat window. Thanks.
View ArticleSpark File transfer problem between two different
Hi, I am using Spark and Openfire from Many days/years. some of my clients are using spark 2.5.8 and some of them are using 2.6.3 (who join recently) But I am facing problem regarding file transfer...
View ArticleReconnect Problem
Hi all, I observed the following problem: After plugging out the network cable or coming back from standby, I can just see that Spark tries to connect to the server it never finishes automatically. I...
View ArticleWindows 7 Issues
Hey, In my enviroment we have a mix of Windows XP and Windows 7 32 bit computers. I am running Openfire 3.7.0 and a Spark client 2.5.8. The problem I am having is that on the Windows 7 computers in...
View ArticleI want to not leave the chat room even if you close the window.
Currently, I have the trial Openfire / Spark, but after logging in to the chat room, even if you close the chat room, you want to avoid leaving.Will there such as how to set up like that? Openfire...
View ArticleFrom the right pane of the chat room, I want to registration of the user
On the right side of the chat window of the chat room, list of users who are logged in will display, but there is a desire to add a contact from there.Currently, I wonder Is there a way to achieve such...
View Articletabbed conversation windows?
I'm not a fan of conversations opening each in their own window.Are there other clients that use tabbed windows?Or is this a spark config option? Thanks,Brad.
View ArticleChange JID/Remove JID field from "Profile" window
Is there a way to change or remove the JID field in the user profile window (screenshot attached) without making any actual change to the user's account? I'd like to have this field display a different...
View ArticleHow would I restrict Spark from storing conversations locally?
Hello, I am managing an office using Spark & some of my machines are a bit old so their hard drives have slowly but surely been filling up. Is there a way to restrict spark from saving messages on...
View ArticleChat to specified user will freeze the the spark application
Hi everyone, Please HELP me with this problem... I am using Win 8 OS and Spark 2.6.3, when our user chat to a particular user which also used a Spark, his spark application will hang-up (spark will...
View ArticleSpark automatically detect server
Helloguyswould like to knowhowtodetect theSparknetwork gatewayautomaticallyand arrowitas a server? Does anyone know?
View ArticleSpark auto idle doesn't clear
Hi, We have around 25 users with the Spark IM client pointing at an Openfire server, everybody has Idle enabled & Time till idle set to 20min, all users correctly go Away when locking their PC or...
View ArticleSpark 2.6.3 and VideoViewer conflict
Hello Everybody, OS: Windows 7 Enterprise (64bit) I have come through a strange issue. Spark was working fine untill I installed Video Viewer After a reboot spark crashed saying "The JVM found...
View ArticleSpark window disappears after login
I have a few users who are suddenly experiencing the same issue. They login to Spark 2.6.3 and their main contacts window doesn't show up. They are all using dual monitors, and I've troubleshot the...
View ArticleNot able to send "RICH TEXT" through Broadcast Message
Not able to send "RICH TEXT" through Broadcast Message. Is it Possible in SPARK 2.6.3 ?
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