Spark Settings
I have a question about settings for Spark. My users switch computers as we are a 24x7 shop and they usually do not sit at same location on their shift. I have it setup on the server side and it...
View ArticleContact Options in
Hey there, im looking for arguments in the to deploy these settings from the to every user before the first start of Spark....
View ArticleDisabling Notes Feature
Hi Guys,I came across a thread on this site regarding a request to disable Notes Feature which dates back to May last year. Did you guys get to fix that? May I know how you were able to disable it?...
View ArticleSpark demorando para autenticar quando conecta lista de usuários esta vazia
bom dia,Desde Fevereiro estamos com problema de conexão no spark demora no acesso , senha e usuario não cadastrados. Busquei pesquisei não tenhe nada sobre o assunto.utilizo openfire 4.1.3 e...
View ArticleSpark Away timer not working in Windows 10
We have a couple of users that when they walk away from their computer or leave for the day do not get set to away mode. The things we have trieduninstalling spark and reinstalling ituninstalling...
View ArticleSpark startup error issue 2.8.3
All time PC start then startup program start but spark is not start and some error.It's not start ..How can i start spark ???
View ArticleSpark automatic invisible mode after away 2.8.3 version How to Solve
Many time spark user not see & invisible mode how to solve this issue ??
View ArticleTransferencia de Archivos
Buenas tardes. Últimamente he tenido inconvenientes con usuarios del Spark, donde no deja transferir archivos, se queda en negociación y luego ya sale error. Quisiera saber si a alguien más le ha...
View ArticleMultiple Openfire Servers / Spark Compatibility Issue?
Hello! New to the forum here but our company seems to be having an issue with connection. There are two servers that we must have Spark connect to. One being our own internal Openfire Server and...
View ArticlePrevent users from clearing conversation history
Hi, If a user right clicks on their conversation and selects "Clear" it deletes the transcript log. Is there a way to stop this? Possibly disable the clear button?
View ArticleSpark Find people on the server
Hello.In the new client spark does not work people search. We try to search in English and Russian.
View ArticleAutomating spark configurationdeployment on multiple spark client machines
Hi,Any idea on how to have this deployed automatically over a few hundred client machines? We are to lock down the spark 2.8.1 client configuration such that there shall be no other options on the...
View ArticleSpark 2.8 and newer - unable to verify certificate
Hello, Why does Spark 2.8 and newer snapshot builds not work with a complete SSL cert installed OpenFire server? I've tried BOTH "Letsencrypt" certificate. Along with a completely paid SSL cert by...
View ArticleUltimate Emoticon Pack issue
Hi All, I'm having an issue with the attached emoticon pack. It adds correctly to spark but for some strange reason it removes the emoticon picker from the chat window? Once I change the pack to an...
View ArticleSpark Connection Error
Two users successfully connected to Openfire and working in Spark. Other users are having difficulty and receiving the following error in error logs.It appears that spark is having trouble resolving...
View ArticleSpark users having trouble logging in
We are using Openfire Server with LDAP and Spark clients. Some of us are having problems getting signed in... it eventually lets us but it takes 6 or more attempts. The log file is below. "Mar 20,...
View ArticleOpenfire 4.1.3 - Disable Encryption
Hello, How do I disable client to client encryption in the 4.1.3 release? I've not been able to find an answer to this question ThanksD
View ArticleTrivial "challange"
Having problem loggin in to OpenFire server from Spark.Info: Running OpenFire 4.1.3 ( Plugins Broadcast, Debugger plugin, EMail on Away, Just Married, Local Statistic, Openfire meetings, SIP Phone...
View ArticleSpark 2.8.3 not connecting with OpenFire 4.0.2
We are using OpenFire 4.0.2 and want to update Spark to the new version 2.8.3 but users cant login. With the old version 2.7.6 they can login without any problem.
View ArticleRealizar Llamadas en Spark 2.8.3
Hola buenas como hago para poder realizar llamadas en spark, uso la ultima version pero no me aparece las opciones de llamadas
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