Unable to Exit Spark
We were running v 2.7.7 just fine. Since moving to the 2.8.x versions even tested on the newest nightly build we have the same problem. Windows 7 x64, and this has been repeated on many workstations....
View ArticleProblem with Spark 2.8 and Timestamps in Chat History
Hi,Since the update to Openfire 4.0.3 we have Problems with our Spark Clients and the Chat history.The Chat history will be disorderd. Other Clients like Pidgin don't have this Problems. Any idea?...
View ArticleHow to load AD users automatically ?
hi everyone, I have a question about contact list.in spark is it possible to load all AD users automatically and when user wants to add another domain user,it will list while typing name of users like...
View ArticleSpark, not connect to the server, if is working?
Spark no working and I have all my workers without communication
View ArticleDeny users change settings
Is it posible to deny or hide some settings e. g. "Autostart"?
View ArticleConnection problems
Spark clients does not auto reconnect to the OpenFire server after it has been restarted...
View ArticleCharacter limitation in Spark IM by Openfire Code Changes
Hi, We are using Spark IM for chat client with Openfire Chat server. I want to restrict users to send limited character by IM. Checked in forum and articles but not able to find any such configuration....
View ArticleSpark shows username instead of full name in signed in profile
As mentioned Spark is not showing the name, and also it is not loading Vcard, but if I click view full card, and then refresh it gets the information.I think it is something that happened after I...
View ArticleКонференция Spark
Доброго времени суток. С недавнего времени использую Openfire + Spark для передачи сообщений в моей локальной сети. Во многом еще не разобрался. У меня возник следующий вопрос. Как сделать так чтобы...
View ArticleError to make SSO work
Hey guys, hope you can help me.. I've already tried dozens of times to make SSO working in my company but I was unsuccessful all the times. My scenario is: Client - Windows 7 32xDC and Openfire server...
View Articleafter upgrading from Spark 2.7.7 to 2.8.1, some users don't appear online
I upgaded all my computers to Spark 2.8.1 (note I am still using OpenFire 3.9.1). Since the upgrade, sometimes when a user logs in, they appear offline to everyone else (as if they were invisible)....
View Articleconnection issue from different place
Hi Support,we have installed openfire and configure spark .... also created users at Head Office and now from different location, i am trying to connect ... but unable to login. what setting need to be...
View ArticleToggle contact list view: groups vs. users
Openfire 4.0.3, Spark 2.8.1 Our OpenFire server is set to use shared groups configured via LDAP. Works great. My question: Is it possible to toggle Spark to only show me the list of users (NOT grouping...
View ArticleMy Spark hangs all the time
Most the time it stucks when some user perform a mass mailing, but sometimes it happens without any visible reasons.Please check the log to find what causes this.
View ArticleОшибка входа Spark
Когда пытаюсь войти после загрузки операционной системы показывает ошибку, закрываю окно с ошибкой, нажимаю войти и входит без проблем без смены данных пользователя и сервера. И так каждый раз при...
View ArticleError message or user password
Hi.I have problems with two users to log into their computers will generate error and password but if I do it from a different machine is no problems ... not that it can be .... Any ideas? Tnk..
View ArticleDo not see the button redfire in Spark
Good day My configuration: Openfire 4.0.3 (Win Server 2008 R2)Red5 Plugin for Openfire 2.8.1 (Windows 7 64)Red5 Plugin for Spark 0.0.9 Install plugin Red5 for Openfire and...
View Articlepre-made news (vorgefertigte Rundnachrichten )?
Hi,Is there a way to send pre-made news to certain groups?So you can send a text to the group with one click.Possibly. By using an external script (via vbs or batchtfile)?Something without admin...
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