Character Limitation in Spark IM
Hi, We are using Spark IM with Openfire Chat server. I want to limit the character sent by Spark IM (like 150 characters for single message).There are some details available in forum to edit the source...
View ArticleJoin conference room on startup not working
Hello,on our Openfire server we have multiple permanent conference rooms.Some users had these rooms bookmarked in Spark with "Join on startup" checked.This settings allowed users to automatically join...
View ArticleNot receiving Direct conference messages
Hello everyone, I am receiving a problem, when someone double clicks my name in the conference room to send me a private message. I receive the first message and then none after that. I am not sure...
View ArticleTasks settings no Spark - como colocar hora nas tarefas.
Boa tarde a todos. Já procurei nos arquivos do Spark e não achei. Gostaria de saber se alguém conseguiu colocar a opção de "hora" nas tarefas. Quando se cria uma tarefa nova a única opção que existe é...
View ArticleAnnoying taskbar blinking when other user clicks on the chat window
When another Spark user clicks/focuses the chat window Spark will blink in the taskbar. That is what I think is happening, here is a more detailed description: Say I send a message to another person...
View ArticleSpark 2.8.0 can't login to AD (not SASL related)
tested this theory against a clean install of OF 4.0.3. in its default configuration, sasl.mechs is not set to the database, however it appears to offer PLAIN and ANONYMOUS. Spark 2.8.0 is answering...
View Articleunable to login via WAN
Hi, I've successfully setup Openfire and Spark IM client are able to login and chat locally. I tried to NAT the local IP to a WAN IP. Tested it by putting in the WAN <IP address>:9090 and :7070...
View ArticleSpark 2.8.0 login problem with server name as IP
wroot escreveu: Nuno, are you putting IP address in the Server field of your Spark? What is the name of your Openfire server? You can check it when logged into Admin Console (Server...
View ArticleSpark 2.8 login problem - or
Can you give a bit more detail? I have running Openfire and (a CNAME) in the server box. The Openfire server properties (via the admin interface) say its name is...
View ArticleSpark 2.8 login problem solved, but no search and muc
Thanks. This solved the issue. My server name is shown as "" while the DNS A record points to "". How do I change the server name in OF 4.0.0 to match ""?...
View ArticleAccessing a conference room in another Openfire server
If i am logged on to a Openfire server (Server A), how can I access the conference room of another Openfire server (Server B) without logging in to Server B?@
View ArticleSpark 2.8 failed to login
Not sure if this aligns with the announcement post but it seems like maybe 2.8 should be fixed given all the issues its caused.. Spark 2.7.1 is my version of choice now 2.8.0 fails to connect with any...
View ArticleCan't connect to openfire via ip
Hi.Can't connect to openfire via ip.... only via hostname...Need help
View ArticleSpark messenger question
Hello so I just got spark messenger and I am trying to conncect to facebook with it and when I try it says unable to register with gateway whatever that means and it says the password you registered...
View ArticleHow to install Spark on Ubuntu 16.04
Hi,I have a spark server and there are so many user. And they are using spark on windows machine without any problem. Recently a new user has joined and he is using Ubuntu 16.04. It will be great help...
View ArticleDisable Privacy Lists (Blocking of other users)
Hello, we need to not allow our users to block other users. Openfire 3.9.3Spark 2.7.3 --Alex
View ArticleSpark 2.8.0 não autentica
Prezados, Há alguns dias, baixei a nova versão do SPARK 2.8.0 for Windows e desde então estou tendo problemas para autenticar neste "cliente". Quando tento logar com meu usuário e senha, seja ele...
View ArticleReceiving new Spark message opens window but doesn't display message
I'm having a problem, and I'm not sure whether it's related to Openfire or Spark. We're on Openfire 4.0.3 and Spark 2.8.0. I believe the issue is Openfire related because it started last week, after I...
View ArticleNo file transfer with Spark 2.8.0?
Server: Ubuntu Linux 14.03, Openfire 4.0.3Clients: Win8 Pro, Spark 2.8.0 Both clients are in different locations and behind a firewall. Chat works without problems, but I can´t transfer any files (or...
View ArticleHow to disable clear history in spark
Hi guys, Please help me. How to disable the clear history of user form their spark? Hoping for a response. Thank you,Norvin
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