Spark externo perdendo conexão a todo momento
Boa tarde pessoal. Preciso de um suporte com relação ao Spark. Tenho o servidor openfire versão 3.9.3 instalado no Windows 2003 server e o spark na versão 2.6.3 nas estações. Tenho tido diversos...
View Articletime bugggg
Hi, I'm from Russia and we have the time zone (UTC + 05: 00) Yekaterinburg (RTZ 4) but after switching of Europe summer time chatting time specified for an hour more = (how to fix it?thank you
View ArticleSpark macos yosemite filetransfer option not coming
Screenshot Even from menu filetransfer not doing anything.
View ArticleGeorgian Language Support
Dear Spark Creators I want to use Spark in my native language (It is Georgian) but unfrtunately I've noticed that spark doesn't support Georgian letters (even if text is in Georgian Unicode). If you...
View ArticleOpenfire ldap user search and nickname as full name automatically in Spark IM...
Hi, I have installed openfire server in centos and configured ldap settings username as samAccountname everything is working fine. I have configured ldap username email filed instead of samAccountname...
View ArticleNightly build for linux?
I noticed version in the nightly builds directory. However I can only find the exe files. Is there a build for linux? We are having issues where when Spark is launched, the launch/login...
View ArticleUsers on line but ... it's not true !
Greetings to all, I wanted to askwhySkypecontinues toshow meonlinethata useractuallyhas disconnected. Alsoif there isa way toperformamanualrefreshof usersonline. The problemstems from the factthatI...
View ArticleSpark reconnect issue
Hi, Finding that if network connection drops for a reason and then comes back, that the spark client is unable to successfully reconnect so have to quit and restart spark. Is this a know issue or is...
View ArticleSpark wont login in to server
All i get is invalid user or password. user and password are correct. I would greatly appreciate and help!!!!
View Articlehow to install spark_2_6_3.tar.gz with Centos 6.5X64?
I'm a new bird of of. I had set up openfire with Centos6.5, but I have no idea to install spark_2_6_3.tar.gz with Centos 6.5X64.need helps.....for the step after tar...thanks~!
View ArticleBuild errors for Smack 4.1
I have cloned the Smack repository and trying to build it using gradle tasks, but unable to solve the errors.Following is a dump of the commands and results : D:\Android\android tools and...
View ArticleSpark Preferences Window Not opening, Also no Sounds.
I have an iMac running OSX Yosemite 10.10.3 and for some reason spark is not notifying me of incoming messages by sound (The messages still show however i get no sound) and when i try to open the...
View ArticleGroup chat issue - conversations move to top
Currently, when users are in a group chat, and one of the users clicks another of the users in the chat, that chat box pops on top of all other boxes, interrupting anything else that was going on at...
View ArticleIdle time display in spark client.
Hi, Is there any option or plugin to display user idle time in spark client roster. RegardsSuresh
View ArticleHow to add " text direction and Align Text "
Dear All Sometimes We are Use Persian Language in Spark . we are need options to Set Text Direction ( left-to-right and right-to-left ) and Align Text ( Right or Left ) . Please help me Bests
View ArticleConversation transfer failed for Fastpath.
Conversation transfer failed.I have a deep check of the source code of spark.For example , agent A1 is serving client C1, and then A1 transfer this conversation to A2.A2 accept this transfer .But t is...
View ArticleMessages aren't received or showed
Hello, I have a problem that sometime some messages are not received via Spark: This problem occures on Spark 1.6.3 to Spark 1.7.0 on Windows 7/8. The message are transfered succesfully as I can see...
View ArticleSpark 2.7.0 install via Windows Startup Script...
Hi all, In our Windows-based environment I'm responsible for deploying the latest official Spark release ( to a large number of desktops. These desktops are currently using the last official...
View ArticleSpark Not launching, plugins not appearing.
Hi, we have a relatively small office building where 20-30 users which are able to log into any machine, occasionally and more frequently as of late, users can not run spark without Administrator...
View ArticleSpark 2.7 isn't displaying the conference attendees in the window on the right
I've got Openfire 3.93 which I tried to update to 3.10 other day but couldn't get our clients to connect. I rolled back. Learned the connectivity issue would likely be resolved by updating our Spark...
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