What is the support phone number for spark?
Can anyone tell me what the support PHONE number for spark is? Cannot find it anywhere on this website. Do they even have one?
View ArticleUnable to start Spark
I cannot start spark on my ubuntu13,It shows an error ls:cannot access /home/user/Desktop/Spark/lib/windows:no such file or directory.pls help me
View ArticleChat routing in Spark
Is there a way to use a queue and route "chatters" into it when using Spark? I am currently in a call center, and we are trying to determine if Spark has this capability. Thanks, Kim
View Articlesend file
dear all, i send file, the size of file is 7,49 KBwhen i sent that file to administrator user from my user there was notification that "you have sent a file to administrator"but the display from...
View Articleseparated groups on openfire
is it possible if we separate groups on openfire.....the diagram can be like this OFFICE ACCOUNTING TAX CASHIER IT PROGRAMMER ADMIN WAREHOUSE OPERATIONAL...
View ArticleSpark suddenly quit loading
I am new to Spark, but was pretty impressed with the softare. As a result, I installed it and it has been working fine. I have one particular computer that suddenly quit loading Spark. I...
View ArticleProblem with History
Hello,I have a problem with the history from spark.My history file for one special contact is 16KB and now every time I want to start a chat, the CPU consumes 25% and nothing happens.I hat do kill the...
View ArticleIncorrect display user name in Spark
Hi guys. I have a openfire server (3.8.1) integrated with AD. My fields was configured like that: ldap.searchFields = Username/cn,Name/displayName,Email/mail searchFields =...
View ArticlePersistent Rooms
No matter how i make a room from the admin or from the spark client (which lets me select Permanent) any time i go to bookmark my room, it tells me its temp. i want to hook up a few of our users to...
View ArticleShow Online/Offline on homepage?
Hello! I've tried to find an answer in the WWW but I'm lost... :-(I'm looking for a solution to show my clients online/offline state on our homepage... I think it's very easy but till now I've got no...
View ArticleAutomatic Entry of Username and Password with LDAP?
Hi guys, I just deployed Spark 2.6.3 to our company using a custom MSI via GPO. The MSI contained the basic install as well as some general settings as well as an auto-start registry setting. What...
View ArticleShow/Expand all Conference Rooms of a conference Service by default
Hello, i use Openfire with Spark and have a conference service configured which is working properly.To see/join the available Rooms i need to double click the conference service and then select a room...
View Articleable to see a contract invite request after it is not acknowledged and...
Please would you let me know if a contact request is available after one accidently closes it before accepting.
View ArticleClicking Spark 2.6.3 from taskbar did not show
Hi everyone, Pls help me regarding this problem. I am using Win7 32bit... Once I log-in my spark account, the spark main menu will hide on the task bar but when I click it from the taskbar it will not...
View ArticleGravação de conversas
Tenho banco de dados que estourou o espaço. quando vi este problema refiz o Indice. Pelo que notei ele parou de gravar devido a falta de espaço em 27/03/2013, é so voltou a gravar após eu realizar o...
View ArticleDatabase setup
Ao abrir o OPEN SERVER esta aparecendo a seguinte mensagem: Database setup or configuration error: Please verify your database settings and check the logs/error.log file for detailed error...
View ArticleWhy client shows username instead of fullname
I finished the installation of openfire / spark and the spark client always shows username (NT username) instead of user full name. Is there a configuration somewhere to force the display of user...
View ArticleSpark and PKI Authentication - does anybody actually have it working?
I have spent significant time reading support posts and massive ammounts of time Googling. I have Openfire 3.8.1 running, using PKI authentication, and it works. I can only make it work using other...
View ArticleSPARK Takes to many time to start up and conect, Why???
I'm using a CORE i5 PC 4G RAM, WINDOWS XP, when i start up the PC, all programs start up very fast but spark takes too long time to start, and when it try to connect to the server takes at least 10s -...
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