Just installed Openfire 4_1_4 & Spark 2_8_3 following wroot 's guide (very helpful); however, having set up some users in the server, installed spark on local machines, and signed users in successfully, I can't seemingly add/see contacts (or send them messages). On one of the user logins I can see some of the other users that I've added to a group, but these all show as offline (one is, one isn't). Have I set something up incorrectly/ missed a tick box somewhere?
On one of the user logins I can see some of the other users as offline but only after I'd added users to a group. These all show as offline though - one is, one isn't.
I can send an admin broadcast from the server to all online users, and each receives this message. I can also see the online users in the client sessions page on the server, so there is some visibility, I just can't see where I've gone wrong. Have I set something up incorrectly/ missed a tick box somewhere?
Can anyone assist?
Many thanks