I've spent months trying to get SSO to work in my environment. I have read every article from this website (and others) on how to accomplish this nearly impossible task and have never had any luck. We have a Windows 2008 r2 Active Directory network, Windows 8.1 clients running Spark 2.6.3, and Openfire 3.9.3 running on a Windows 2008 r2 server. Before typing this message, I started from scratch one more time following this guide.....http://community.spiceworks.com/attachments/post/0016/2038/Openfire-Spark_on_Win dows_Server_2008_R2_with_SSO.pdf Once I select the SSO option to my Spark client prior to logging in, it sees my account.....
When I hit the 'Login' button, it says, 'Unable to connect using Single Sign-On. Please check your principal and server settings.' The warn.log file located in C:\Users\userprofile\AppData\Roaming\Spark\logs gives me the following error:
SASL authentication failed:
-- caused by: javax.security.sasl.SaslException: GSS initiate failed [Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Integrity check on decrypted field failed (31))]
The Openfire server is running Java 8 update 40. The Windows 8.1 client running spark is running Java 8 update 40.
Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.