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Word Wrap Issues?


Anyone else having an issue with Word Wrap on build 2.7.0? I have 14 machines doing this.


Running 2.7.0 build 671 (Smack: 3.31, JRE Version: 1.70.0_76).

Windows 8.1 Pro





  1. Open Spark, login and start a chat.
  2. Type normal text (past the window width) back and forth with chat partner.
  3. Either of you now posts a long URL (ex: http://www.howtogeek.com/216386/how-to-sideload-android-apps-onto-your-amazon-fi re-tv-and-fire-tv-stick/ )
  4. Word Wrap function is now broken (and aligned to the end of the line length = to the line from Step 3. Type some more normal text (past the window width) with chat partner.


This also seems to happen if you simply copy and paste text longer than the window width into the message as well on Step 3.

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