This is a weird one that is both rare and intermittent ( the best kind of problem!)
We;re using the Windows version of Spark 2.6.3 and Openfire 3.9.3 on Ubuntu 12.04.1
Since we upgraded to the latest version of Openfire a small number of my users will have 9%% of their online contact lists appear offline after they get back from a break or whatnot. There's always two or three people who appear online. It is a different group of people appearing online each time, on each affected PC though. It's a server contact list and I have about 400 accounts in it. Affected systems are windows XP and 7( x86 and x64). There doesn't appear to be any disk issues or anything like that. Ubuntu is chugging along happily. Any ideas? I can get any information that'll help figure it out.