My issue is only happening on one of my users, everyone else's stations are working correctly.
When this user's computer goes to Sleep (or Hibernates) they get signed out of Spark. This doesn't happen to anyone else. Does anyone know what would cause this? I have around 150 total users.
Example of chat log when the issue happens throughout the days.
*** user2 went offline at 12:14 PM
*** user2 went offline at 5:46 PM
*** user2 went offline at 12:16 PM
*** user2 went offline at 2:22 PM
(16:53) user2: Still doing it
*** user2 went offline at 5:48 PM
*** user2 went offline at 12:15 PM
*** user2 went offline at 5:44 PM
*** user2 went offline at 9:25 AM
*** user2 went offline at 12:16 PM